Psalm 37:23-24
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; [24] though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand."
I as a Christian have often had a problem with not having a right sense of God in the way that he forgives. Today, I was going to post a different passage from Luke, but I feel the Lord would rather me get this out here first.
Of course, as Christians we know that we have been given the forgiveness and salvation from our sins that comes from the blood and knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, I know in my life that when the music stops playing, your pack starts getting heavier, and you start to trip, even falling down--it can seem that the Lord is dissapointed in us. And He very well may be, but not in the way that we feel dissapointment. When we are dissapointed in someone, it is very tempting to let them know about it, and not always in a very nice way.
There have been many times in my life when I have felt so ashamed of myself, and so aware of my unrighteousness before God that I feel as if I deserve and am being thrown on my face, because of the things that I still have yet to learn. There's just one thing--God isn't like that.
On Easter Eve I was having a down day, but through the radio God spoke in my ears this good word: "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; [24] though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand." For us who delight in the way of the LORD, God says that He establishes our steps. But He doesn't even stop there; He says, "though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,". So not only does God establish our steps, when we mess up and fall, He will not cast us headlong. He's not going to hit us in the face. Yes, the LORD disciplines us, and we should rejoice when he does, but we must always remember the God does not do so in bitterness, nor in malice.
"for the LORD upholds his hand."-- The picture that comes into my mind is a loving father, taking his little child and leading him back home from across the street. As we get older, we seem to grow out of this, but when I was a toddler, my mom and dad would almost always make me hold their hand when we would walk through somewhere dangerous, and even if we were walking around the block of our street, or going to the park. God says here that he takes us by the hand. He is not some distant figure that we cannot be sure if He is with us or not. Indeed, He is our Father, "whereby we cry Abba, father."
When I heard this on the radio on Easter Eve, it touched me in a way it couldn't have at any other time thus far. I was brooding, I was sulking, and I deserved to be knocked over. But God didn't do that--He took me by the hand and it was as if He said, 'You will not be cast headlong. The Lord still loves you.'
Brothers and Sisters, I know not who will read this, but I hope the Lord shall bring it as a good word to many, even as He gave it to me. God bless, and know that he is a God who loves His children, and who does not cast them headlong.
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; [24] though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand."
I as a Christian have often had a problem with not having a right sense of God in the way that he forgives. Today, I was going to post a different passage from Luke, but I feel the Lord would rather me get this out here first.
Of course, as Christians we know that we have been given the forgiveness and salvation from our sins that comes from the blood and knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, I know in my life that when the music stops playing, your pack starts getting heavier, and you start to trip, even falling down--it can seem that the Lord is dissapointed in us. And He very well may be, but not in the way that we feel dissapointment. When we are dissapointed in someone, it is very tempting to let them know about it, and not always in a very nice way.
There have been many times in my life when I have felt so ashamed of myself, and so aware of my unrighteousness before God that I feel as if I deserve and am being thrown on my face, because of the things that I still have yet to learn. There's just one thing--God isn't like that.
On Easter Eve I was having a down day, but through the radio God spoke in my ears this good word: "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; [24] though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand." For us who delight in the way of the LORD, God says that He establishes our steps. But He doesn't even stop there; He says, "though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,". So not only does God establish our steps, when we mess up and fall, He will not cast us headlong. He's not going to hit us in the face. Yes, the LORD disciplines us, and we should rejoice when he does, but we must always remember the God does not do so in bitterness, nor in malice.
"for the LORD upholds his hand."-- The picture that comes into my mind is a loving father, taking his little child and leading him back home from across the street. As we get older, we seem to grow out of this, but when I was a toddler, my mom and dad would almost always make me hold their hand when we would walk through somewhere dangerous, and even if we were walking around the block of our street, or going to the park. God says here that he takes us by the hand. He is not some distant figure that we cannot be sure if He is with us or not. Indeed, He is our Father, "whereby we cry Abba, father."
When I heard this on the radio on Easter Eve, it touched me in a way it couldn't have at any other time thus far. I was brooding, I was sulking, and I deserved to be knocked over. But God didn't do that--He took me by the hand and it was as if He said, 'You will not be cast headlong. The Lord still loves you.'
Brothers and Sisters, I know not who will read this, but I hope the Lord shall bring it as a good word to many, even as He gave it to me. God bless, and know that he is a God who loves His children, and who does not cast them headlong.
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